Posted by Bryant | Posted in | Posted on 3:12 PM


A young man is left alone
A happy unhappy home
Left without a father
Forcing momma to push it farther
Working later hours to fend for her kids
To fight for what was once his,
But he left it because he didn’t care
Couldn’t attain his name because he wasn’t there
Drugs and deceit
A child left in defeat
Must strive harder in life
And push farther because of strife
Put on by a father
That wasn’t there, a father that didn’t care,
A black father is so rare
So many trials and tribulations
Put on a young black man
So many things he must overcome
But he was once your biggest fan
But you couldn’t see
Blinded by your devotion
Left 4 kids with no emotion
Because your addiction had you choking
But second-hand smoke is just as bad
Killing your kids with yourself
O yes father of the year better known as a great dad
Sarcasm graces these lips as I spit venom into your veins
Truth is the poison that scars you
And you dare not face up to your name
A name that you’ve created
Breathed life into, but now sedated
Because now you’re a better man?
You want to right your wrongs,
But dare not fight your wrongs
Won’t face up to what’s faced up at you
I hope these words become a mental tattoo
I have one still left of you
It won’t fade or go away
Because I can still see your face
Your body emaciated, the smell of smoke still
Creates it, that image of you destroying yourself and destroying your health
Obliterating any chance of a family, for me you and everyone else
Did you ever think you’d become a statistic
Leave your children and become sadistic
Steal money for Christmas presents
Assault your son no deadly weapon
But eyes of such ferocity
And cold words of animosity
Did you ever think that you would leave the mother of your first born child?
Or should I say son because that title was already won
Did it cross your mind how much it would hurt her
Did you have a clue how close it was to murder?
When you gave up on this family
When you let it all drift away unhappily
And now you’ve moved on?
O how self righteous we become
How full of ourselves we are when we think we’ve won
I appreciate the acts of kindness
But how do I know they’re not acts of blindness and obligation
Brought on by self determination
To fill an image of a perfect father
That you let go before and after the creation of your daughter
The importance is to me and not yourself
Do you feel obligated to make everything right because of everyone else?
Are you truly remorseful and do you want to make amends
Or are you trying to turn me into a trophy to introduce to your friends
So you can say you’re the perfect dad, so that you can clear your conscience and not feel bad
It always seemed strange that you’d bring us around
Only on outings when your friends were in town
Did you want to look good or make a good impression?
Forcing us to go places against our own rejection
I don’t know where your morals lie or where your thought train exists
I can’t make you change but I can tell you this
A father never needs to put on a show
Never has to ask questions because he already knows
Doesn’t need to force something, because he has understood respect
A father and a family are two things that should never, could never, and would never reject